Stop Over-Automating Your Emails

Targeted email automation can be great

I use it a lot: I can send a targeted response to someone. If they click on a link in a previous email and I can send them more information or an offer to encourage them to take action. If they don’t, I can send them a reminder.

But here’s the important part: I make sure that I send my email to relevant people. And I only automate according to actions taken.

There’s another type of automation that really winds me up

Right now, I am receiving a lot of emails from companies that I have absolutely no interest in. I never signed up to receive any information from them. I am clearly on an email prospect list that is being sold.

Yet I receive email after email from the same individuals, encouraging me to request calls or meetings. I’m not even in the same country as them!

By all means send me an email. I’m happy to find out about companies. But stop sending me the same message again and again. I am not going to change my mind, especially when you don’t make your emails relevant to my sector.

There are only two reasons I don’t unsubscribe. Firstly, I have been researching these email chains. Secondly, I worry that unsubscribing will mark me as an active recipient and that I will receive even more spam.

This type of communication is often illegal. For instance, if you send emails like this to any European recipient, you are contravening GDPR legislation. You might want to check out the potential consequences of this. It could be very costly.

Be personal with your email instead

Send a one-off email to a prospect you really want to engage with. You are likely to get a far better result.

How do you craft a good email?

I outline a whole range of introductory and sales e-mails in “Done For You Sales Scripts.” Find out more:

PS Test out how effective your sales people are at selling print sales

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